Celiac plexus radiosurgery is a new technique for pain control in pancreatic cancer. The results of an international phase II study were positive (presented at ASTRO 2022 as a late breaking oral). The technique has now been included in the 2024 NCCN pancreatic cancer guidelines for pain.

This ASTRO-AstraZeneca SCLC Therapy Challenge Kick-Off, featuring Dr. Percy Lee, MD, FASTRO, introduces an innovative initiative focused on advancing treatment options for Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC).

This activity focuses on strategies for setting healthy professional boundaries, including the skill of opportunity discernment.

This educational activity reviews practical aspects of contouring cardiac sub-structures for thoracic radiation therapy planning. Attendees will be able to practice drawing cardiac substructures on 4DCT and contrast CT.

​This session explores the challenges and opportunities parents in radiation oncology and medical physics face.

Celiac plexus radiosurgery is a new technique for pain control in pancreatic cancer. The results of an international phase II study were positive (presented at the 2022 ASTRO Annual Meeting as a late-breaking oral presentation).

Improvements in technique, as well as advances in technology, have resulted in significant survival advances for those with localized and oligometastatic prostate cancer.

As the first woman professor in Harvard Medical School’s Radiation Oncology Department, Dr. Nancy Tarbell has made vital contributions to the field of radiation oncology and serves as a role model and mentor to younger women. Join us to hear more about Dr.


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