There are many effective liver-directed loco-regional therapies for limited liver metastases including advanced techniques/approaches in surgery, radiation therapy, and interventional radiology.
Patients with head and neck cancer require specialized and multi-modality support during treatment. Providers may not be informed of the most up-to-date techniques to prevent and treat head and neck cancer radiation-related toxicity.
The clinical practice regarding feeding tube use in patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer varies greatly. Ongoing research advances, as well as indications for feeding tube use in contemporary practices are required to provide optimal care.
The ASTRO Abstract Reviewer training is an online program designed to clarify abstract study designs in order to enable the reviewers to score more predictably and homogenously.
The 2024 ASTRO Advocacy Update provides participants with an opportunity to better understand how ASTRO advocates for policies that benefit radiation oncology on Capitol Hill.
1. Brachytherapy Participants will learn about the radiation therapy modality of brachytherapy. Codes specific to this modality are addressed. ASTRO’s Brachytherapy Model Policy is reviewed in detail.
1. Proton Beam Therapy Participants will learn about the proton beam therapy (PBT) radiation modality and codes. ASTRO’s Proton Beam Therapy Model Policy is reviewed in detail.
Navigating medical insurance for radiation treatment in the United States is frustrating and complex, often resulting in disappointment for patients, delays in care, and denials of standard of care treatment.