This journal activity provides radiation oncology training programs and interview committees with the knowledge needed to implement holistic review of residency applicants, including the use of standardized interview content and scoring rubrics.

This journal activity provides practitioners with the knowledge to guide treatment of NSCLC.

This journal activity provides practitioners with an evidence-based summary of barriers to diversity in clinical trials and approaches to increase diversity that are specific to radiation oncology.

This journal activity provides practitioners with the knowledge for practice improvement in treating patients with non-small cell lung cancer undergoing definitive chemoradiation followed by consolidative durvalumab.

This journal activity provides practitioners with additional knowledge to aid making treatment decisions about the use of proton therapy for intracranial tumors, and to effectively counsel patients considering proton therapy about the risks to short-term cognition.

This journal activity provides practitioners with the knowledge about standard techniques and doses for the treatment of post-mastectomy breast radiotherapy in the setting of a reconstructed breast.

The field of cancer is a rapidly evolving field with new treatment approaches moving to clinic on a daily basis. Radiation Oncology is no different. It is extremely difficult for a practicing clinician to stay abreast of new developments in cancer care.

This journal activity provides the clinician with essential terminology, guidelines, and process workflows to conduct rigorous and high-quality systematic review of the medical literature.

This journal activity, Standard and Hypofractionated Dose Escalation to Intraprostatic Tumor Nodules in Localized Prostate Cancer: 5-Year Efficacy and Toxicity in the DELINEATE Trial, provides practitioners with information on the side effects and efficacy associated with the use

This journal activity provides practitioners with the knowledge about standard techniques and doses for the treatment of endometrial cancer.


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