IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for March 1, 2019 (Volume 103, Issue 3) provides practitioners with the knowledge needed to design radiation fields and treatments for pediatric patients in a way that minimizes the risk to developing bones.

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for January 1, 2019 (Volume 103, Issue 1) is designed to help predict potential outcomes for infants that do not receive standard radiotherapy per protocol.

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for February 1, 2019 (Volume 103, Issue 2) provides practitioners with the knowledge needed to discuss treatment options and comparative outcomes for loco-regional control, overall survival, grade ≥3 acute and late morbidity for patients with locally advanc

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for December 1, 2018 (Volume 102, Issue 5) helps practitioners understand gastrointestinal and genitourinary side effects following radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer in relation to dose-volume parameters since the original publication of QUANTEC gu

PRO Journal SA-CME activity for November-December, 2018 (Volume 8, Issue 4) is designed to help practicing radiation oncologists and residents-in-training close the research-to-practice gap by facilitating the transfer of evidence-based research into clinical care.

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for November 15, 2018 (Volume 102, Issue 2) explains the goals of radiomics at a fundamental level and the techniques in current use. It also advises caution in applying these tools as predictors of response in oncology.

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for November 1, 2018 (Volume 102, Issue 3) provides practitioners with a safe and tested regimen for the treatment of patients with spinal metastases.

PRO Journal SA-CME activity for September-October, 2018 (Volume 8, Issue 3) summarizes the standard quality metrics for prostate cancer radiotherapy. 

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for October 1, 2018 (Volume 102, Issue 2) provides practitioners with the knowledge needed to discuss treatment options and expectations for quality of life outcomes to patients with prostate cancer.

IJROBP Journal SA-CME activity for September 1, 2018 (Volume 102, Issue 1) provides practitioners with the knowledge needed to discuss CNS treatment in acute adult leukemias. They will be able to treat it if they are comfortable and know when to refer on to experts if they are not.


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