Q&A Session for Genitourinary, PET Guided Radiotherapy and Oligomets/SBRT with Rahul Tendulkar, MD, Murat Surucu, PhD, and David Palma, MD, PhD.

The purpose of this educational lecture will be to review recent data on treatment of oligometastases, and to discuss practical approaches to treatment at different locations.

In this activity, the components of this novel PET/Linac will be introduced to the audience. The highlights of the commissioning and clinical implementation of this linac using IMRT/SBRT mode will be discussed. The unique challenges of BgRT workflow and use cases will be discussed.

We will review new data and standard of care for each disease state of prostate cancer. We will review low risk disease, intermediate risk, high risk, locally advanced, node positive, oligometastatic, post-operative and recurrent prostate cancer.

Q&A Session for Breast and Lymphoma with Mylin Torres, MD, and Bradford Hoppe, MD, MPH.

This presentation will help inform listeners about the multidisciplinary care of patients with lymphoma, the use of contemporary treatment fields (e.g., INRT, ISRT), appropriate use of technology (i.e., IMRT, VMAT, deep inspiration breath hold, proton beam therapy), new targeted therapies, immuno

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies treated by radiation oncologists. Indications for radiation in patients with breast cancer are increasingly dependent on advances in surgery and systemic treatments and improved understanding of tumor biology.

Q&A Session for Gynecologic and Radiobiology with Lara Hathout, MD, FRCPC, Mitchell Kamrava, MD, and Phuoc Tran, MD.

In this course, we provide an overview of biomarker definitions and potential use in the management of cancer patients.

Endometrial Cancer


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