DEIinRO Webinar - Sexual and Gender Identity (SGM)-Based Microaggressions: Recognizing and Responding to Bias in Healthcare

Live Webinar

  • Date: June 29, 2023
  • Time: 4:00 p.m. Eastern time

This webinar is designed to help attendees understand microaggressions and their impacts in health care settings, with emphasis on microaggressions that SGM people might experience. Join a diverse group of panelists to discuss shared experiences and strategies on how individuals impacted by microaggressions or bystanders may respond, as well as how to recover after committing a microaggression.

This activity is available from June 29, 2023, through 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on July 28, 2026.

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


  • Jason Domogauer, MD, PhD, NYU Langone Health
  • Alicia Smart, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital


  • Molree Williams-Lendor, NYU Langone Health


  • Sunshine Osterman, PhD, NYU Langone Health
  • Andrew Martella, MD, BS, Stanford Health Care
  • Jessica Vadas, PhD, DABR, Mayo Clinic



Please login or register to take this course.


The course and its materials will only be available on the ASTRO website for that 3 year period regardless of purchase date. At the expiration of the qualification, participants will no longer have access to the course or its materials. ASTRO reserves the right to remove a course before the end of its qualification period.



Required Hardware/software

One of the two latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.